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Ngorongoro highlands


Features & Wildlife Species

Empakai Crater
Olmoti Crater

Empakai Crater is a stunning geological feature situated within the Ngorongoro region. It is located approximately 2 hours’ drive from Ngorongoro entry Gate. The crater’s rim offers a breathtaking view of the active volcanic mountain, Oldonyo Lengai. The crater floor is home to a large number of seasonal flamingos, making it appear pink from a distance. Additionally, the walls of the crater are adorned with a diverse range of colorful flowers. Trekking to the crater floor can be challenging, and it requires a certain level of fitness. The hike down to the floor takes approximately 45 minutes, while the hike back up takes around an hour. Armed guards always accompany hikers.

Olmoti is a sunken caldera that gets its name from the Maasai language, meaning “Cooking Pot”. To reach its rim, you can take about 45-minute footpath from the ranger post at Nainokanoka. This shallow crater is covered in grass and is divided by a river valley. Although it might not be as scenic as Ngorongoro or Empakai, it is still a beautiful place that provides good grazing to the local Maasai cattle and various antelope. If you head to the main viewpoint, there’s a short footpath that leads to the seasonal Munge Waterfall, where you can see the river cascading out of the crater.

Empakai Crater

Empakai Crater is a stunning geological feature situated within the Ngorongoro region. It is located approximately 2 hours’ drive from Ngorongoro entry Gate. The crater’s rim offers a breathtaking view of the active volcanic mountain, Oldonyo Lengai. The crater floor is home to a large number of seasonal flamingos, making it appear pink from a distance. Additionally, the walls of the crater are adorned with a diverse range of colorful flowers. Trekking to the crater floor can be challenging, and it requires a certain level of fitness. The hike down to the floor takes approximately 45 minutes, while the hike back up takes around an hour. Armed guards always accompany hikers.

Olmoti Crater

Olmoti is a sunken caldera that gets its name from the Maasai language, meaning “Cooking Pot”. To reach its rim, you can take about 45-minute footpath from the ranger post at Nainokanoka. This shallow crater is covered in grass and is divided by a river valley. Although it might not be as scenic as Ngorongoro or Empakai, it is still a beautiful place that provides good grazing to the local Maasai cattle and various antelope. If you head to the main viewpoint, there’s a short footpath that leads to the seasonal Munge Waterfall, where you can see the river cascading out of the crater.



  • Authentic Maasai cultural experience
  • Olmoti and Empakai Crater hikes
  • Walking and hiking safaris on the highlands
  • Camping on the rim of Empakai Crater and general camping safaris


Recommended times to visit Ngorongoro highlands are between June to October and January to February (dry season) and the short rainy season which is November to December.



  • Olmoti and Empakai craters
  • Soda Lake in Empakai Crater that supports seasonal flamingos and other birds on the Empakai crater floor
  • Scenic landscapes made of hills and small mountains
  • Hundreds and hundreds Maasai cattle grazing close to wildebeests, zebras amongst others
  • Maasai igloo homes
  • Munge waterfall


  • By Road: It’s about an hour drive from the Crater floor to Olmoti Crater. Empakai Crater is 30min further.